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Monday, December 14, 2020

Realme Watch S Pro और Buds Air Pro Master Edition 23 दिसंबर को होंगे लॉन्च Hurry up

 Realme Watch S Pro और Buds Air Pro Master Edition 23 दिसंबर को होंगे लॉन्च

रियलमी वॉच S प्रो और बड्स एयर प्रो मास्टर एडिशन 23 दिसंबर को लॉन्च होने वाले हैं। इसके साथ ही कंपनी इस दिन रियलमी वॉच S को भी लॉन्च करने वाली है। लॉन्च इवेंट की शुरुआत दोपहर 12:30 बजे होगी।

रियलमी की नई स्मार्टवॉच और नए वायरलेस ब्लूटूथ इयरफोन्स का इंतजार कर रहे यूजर्स के लिए अच्छी खबर है। कंपनी 23 दिसंबर को अपने दो नए प्रॉडक्ट- Realme Buds Air Pro Master Edition TWS इयरबड्स और Realme Watch S Pro को लॉन्च करने वाली है। इन दोनों गैजेट्स को 23 दिसंबर की दोपहर 12:30 बजे लॉन्च किया जाएगा।

इन अपकमिंग प्रॉडक्ट्स के लॉन्च की जानकारी रियलमी इंडिया के हेड माधव सेठ ने अपने ट्विटर हैंडल से भी दी।

रियलमी वॉच S प्रो

रियलमी ने अपनी वॉच S को पहले ही पाकिस्तान और यूरोप में लॉन्च कर दिया है। अब कंपनी यूजर्स के लिए इस वॉच का प्रो एडिशन लाने वाली है। फीचर्स की बात करें तो रियलमी वॉच S प्रो में 1.39 इंच का AMOLED डिस्प्ले दिया जाएगा। यह डिस्प्ले 454x454 पिक्सल रेजॉलूशन के साथ आएगा।

वॉच का डायल स्टेनलेस स्टील का रहने वाला है। वॉच की दाईं तरफ दो बटन भी मिलेंगे। प्रो मॉडल में आपको 15 स्पोर्ट्स मोड्स मिलेंग। यह वॉच खास जीपीएस फीचर के साथ आएगी।

रियलमी वॉच S प्रो की एक और खास बात है कि इसमें 14 दिन की बैटरी लाइफ के साथ ब्लड ऑक्सिजन और हार्ट रेट मॉनिटरिंग फीचर मिलेगा। कंपनी ने जो प्रमोशनल इमेश शेयर किया है उसमें इस वॉच को ब्राउन लेदर स्ट्रैप के साथ देखा जा सकता है। इसके अलावा यह फोन ब्लैक, ऑरेंज और ब्लू सिलिकॉन स्ट्रैप में आएगी। कंपनी 23 दिसंबर को रियलमी वॉच S भी लॉन्च करेगी।

रियलमी बड्स एयर प्रो मास्टर एडिशन

रियलमी आमतौर पर अपने हिट प्रॉडक्ट्स का मास्टर एडिशन जरूर लॉन्च करती है। कंपनी ने अब तक अपने पॉप्युलर स्मार्टफोन्स रियलमी X, रियलमी X2 प्रो और रियलमी X50 के मास्टर एडिशन्स को लॉन्च किया है। रियलमी बड्स एयर प्रो, स्मार्टफोन्स के अलावा कंपनी का पहला ऐसा प्रॉडक्ट है जिसका मास्टर एडिशन लॉन्च किया जा रहा है।

रियलमी वॉच के प्रो और स्टैंडर्ड वर्जन में सबसे बड़ा फर्क कलर का है। वॉच का स्टैंडर्स वर्जन रॉक ब्लैक और सोल वाइट में आता है। जबकि प्रो एडिशन को कंपनी ग्लॉसी फिनिश वाले सिल्वर कलर ऑप्शन में लॉन्च करने वाली है।

Realme Watch S Pro स्पेसिफिकेशन्स


फीचर्स Water Resistant

स्क्रीन साइज 1.39 Inch


ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम Android & iOS

मॉडल Watch S Pro

बॉक्स कॉन्टेंट Smart Watch, User Manual, Warranty Card

ब्रैंड Realme


water resistant Yes


लाइट Yes

अक्सेलरोमीटर Yes

जीपीएस Yes

Activity Tracker

हार्ट रेट Yes

calories intakeburned Yes

डिस्टेंस Yes

स्टेप्स Yes


ब्लूटूथ Yes

Smart Feature

म्यूजिक कंट्रोल Yes

रेिस्पॉन्ड टु_नोटिफिकेशन्स Yes


शेप सरफेस Circle

स्ट्रैप मटीरियल Silicone

कलर्स Black


डिस्प्ले टेक्नॉलजी AMOLED

स्क्रीन साइज 1.39 Inch


बैटरी लाइफ 15 Days

कपैसिटी टाइप 420 mAh


कम्पैटिबल ओएस Android & iOS

Additinal Feature

अलार्म क्लॉक Yes

Order Pizza and Food from your favourite restaurants In Milford online from allHungry


Why choose all hungry for your orders?

allhungry has the best selection of the top restaurants serving Pizza & food in Milford. We delivery your order hot and fresh at your door steps within 35 minutes. You can pay for your order either via card or cash, we accept both.

All hungry has been in this service since 2013 and has provide our service to more than 100,000 happy customs. Our team considers you our top priority had are available to support you 24/7. We care and respect your privacy and security and thus have implemented the best security practices.

How does All Hungry work?

All Hungry has a simple system, that user friendly. To place your orders online on All Hungry follow these simple steps:

1.       Search by address: you can put in your location or the location of the restaurant you are looking for and you will find all the available restaurants in your zone

2.       Choose a restaurant: we have the best selection f restaurants for you to choose from. Select what you want eat from the list. For e.g. Milford pizza hut

3.       Pay by card or cash: we offer you the option for payment of your order; you can either pay by cash or even pay by card. Our payment services are quick, easy and totally secure

4.       Delivery or pickup: place your order with us to get your food delivered at your doorstep or even place your order to pick up your order from the restaurants.

Best features offered by All Hungry:

All hungry believes in provide nothing but the best service to all its customers, we have some of the most exclusive features such as:

·         We offer you some of the top restaurants that are available in the area

·         We have been providing the best services to our customers since 2013

·         We are here to support you 24/7

·         We have the best security practices for your privacy and security

Friday, December 11, 2020

Oppo Reno 5 और Reno 5 Pro हुए लॉन्च, जानें फीचर्स और स्पेसिफिकेशन्स


(Oppo Reno 5 Pro 5G) ओप्पो रेनो 5 सीरीज की मार्केट में एंट्री हो गई है। कंपनी की इस प्रीमियम सीरीज में दो स्मार्टफोन लॉन्च किए गए हैं। इनमें क्वॉड रियर कैमरा सेटअप और 65 watt सुपर फ्लैश चार्ज सपॉर्ट जैसे feature दिए गए हैं।

Oppo ने अपनी Reno 5 Series को लॉन्च कर दिया है।  दोनों स्मार्टफोन पंच-होल डिस्प्ले और चार रियर कैमरे से लैस हैं। कंपनी ने इन दोनों स्मार्टफोन को अभी चीन में लॉन्च किया है। चीन में ओप्पो रेनो 5 5G की शुरुआती कीमत 2699 युआन (करीब 30,400 रुपये) और ओप्पो रेनो 5 प्रो 5G की शुरुआती कीमत 3399 रुपये (करीब 38,300 रुपये) है। चीन में इन दोनों स्मार्टफोन की सेल 18 दिसंबर से शुरू होगी।

ओप्पो रेनो 5 प्रो के स्पेसिफिकेशन्स (Oppo Reno 5 Pro 5G)

फोन में 2400x1080 पिक्सल रेजॉलूशन के साथ 6.55 इंच का फुल एचडी+ डिस्प्ले दिया गया है। फोन का डिस्प्ले 90Hz के रिफ्रेश रेट के साथ आता है। 12जीबी तक के रैम और 256जीबी तक के इंटरनल स्टोरेज के साथ आने वाले इस फोन में मीडियाटेक Dimensity 1000+ चिपसेट दिया गया है।

फटॉग्रफी के लिए इस फोन में आपको चार रियर कैमरे मिलेंगे। इनमें 64 मेगापिक्सल के प्राइमरी कैमरा के साथ एक 8 मेगापिक्सल का अल्ट्रा-वाइड ऐंगल लेंस, एक 2 मेगापिक्सल का मैक्रो लेंस और एक 2 मेगापिक्सल का मोनो पोर्ट्रेट लेंस दिया गया है। सेल्फी के लिए फोन में 32 मेगापिक्सल का कैमरा लगा है।

फोन को पावर देने के लिए इसमें 4350mAh की बैटरी लगी है। यह फोन 65 वॉट के सुपर फ्लैश चार्ज सपॉर्ट के साथ आता है। ओएस की बात करें तो यह फोन ऐंड्रॉयड 11 पर बेस्ड ColorOS 11.1 पर काम करता है। 

ओप्पो रेनो 5 के स्पेसिफिकेशन्स (Oppo Reno 5 Pro 5G)

इस फोन में 2400x1080 पिक्सल रेजॉलूशन के साथ 6.43 इंच का फुल एचडी+ OLED डिस्प्ले दिया गया है। यह फोन 90Hz के रिफ्रेश रेट के साथ आता है। फोन 12जीबी तक के रैम और 256जीबी तक के इंटरनल स्टोरेज के साथ आता है। प्रोसेसर की बात करें तो इस फोन में आपको स्नैपड्रैगन 765 5G प्रोसेसर मिलेगा। 

फोन में फटॉग्रफी के लिए क्वॉड रियर कैमरा सेटअप मिलता है। इसमें 64 Mega pixel का प्राइमरी लेंस के साथ एक 8 मेगापिक्सल और दो 2 मेगापिक्सल के कैमरे दिए गए हैं। सेल्फी के लिए इस फोन में भी आपको 32 मेगापिक्सल का Camera मिलेगा। इन-डिस्प्ले फिंगरप्रिंट सेंसर से लैस इस फोन में 4350 mAh की बैटरी दी गई है।

परफॉर्मेंसMediatek Dimensity 1000+ (7nm)
डिस्प्ले6.55 inches (16.63 cm)
स्टोरेज128 GB
कैमरा64 MP + 8 MP + 2 MP + 2 MP
बैटरी4250 mAh
रैम8 GB, 8 GB

Join The Best Certified Network Defender Certification Program Offered By GIS Consulting



What Is A Certified Network Defender Certification?


A certified network defender certification program is focused on creating a network administrator who has proper training to protect, detect and respond to any and all threats to the network. A network administrator is usually familiar with several other factors such as network components, traffic, performance as well as the utilisation, network topology, location of each system, security policy, and much more. 


 A certified network defender certification provides you the fundamental understanding of the true construct of the data transfer, network technology and  software technology, so that you can understand how the networks operate as well as understand what software is automated and how to analyse the subject material.


certified network defender certification is a skill based lab intensive program that is based on a job task analysis as well as cybersecurity education framework that is presented by the national initiative of cyber security education. 


 Are you planning to get a certified network defender certification?


 The main purpose of validation the skills attained by certified network defender certification is that it helps the network administrator foster resiliency and continuity of operations during any cyber attack to the networks. 


 In order to obtain a certified network defender certification one needs to get a passing score in the examination conducted. The examination consists of 100 questions that are in the format of  multiple choice questions. The exam is for the duration of 4 hours and the medium of test delivery is ECC EXAM. The prefix of the examination is 312-38. 


 To maintain a high integrity of the certified network defender certification examination conducted the questions in the examination are in the format of multiple choice questions. Each form is carefully analysed through proper beta testing. Using an appropriate sample group under the purview of a committee that are experts in the subject matter. This ensures that each of the examinations not only has academic rigor but also has the real work applicability. 


Original Source: https://www.gisconsulting.in/join-the-best-certified-network-defender-certification-program-offered-by-gis-consulting/

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

The most trusted ecommerce website Development Company in Noida


Web bull India is an expert ecommerce website Development Company in Noida; we have a team of professionals who excel in Digital marketing. Our goal is to ensure that gamut of services are rendered in enhancing the performance of your business.

Ecommerce is a huge trend today and requires you to hire a professional ecommerce Development Company in Noida for your business to create the most powerful and user friendly ecommerce website.

Ecommerce has changed the world and the traditional methods of shopping are passed. Whether it is grocery or clothes shopping people first rush to an ecommerce store instead of looking for an offline purchase. With the ease of shopping with the click of button ecommerce websites are the popular shopping method today and to make your ecommerce website start out you cannot deny the benefits of hiring an experienced ecommerce Development Company in Noida like us. We have an expert team that can design the perfect website for you


How does Web Bull India help to boost your business?

We have professional team of experts who make sure that your website showcases all that your company stands for and also present the views with the essence of your company. When you have the backing of the best ecommerce website Development Company in Noida, you can make a mark on your clients and have a website that leaves a strong impression on all the customers.

Using the help of the best service provider for ecommerce website designing Delhi can help you attain the optimal results for your business and make most of the available opportunities online. We use all the available digital marketing channels including social media, YouTube, Google etc. We implement the latest tools and techniques in the website designing field to create 100% SEO friendly website that is loved by Google and has you at its best rankings. We have created several websites for our customers on many different platforms including Word Press, Magento, Joomla, Core PHP, etc.


How to choose the best ecommerce Development Company in Noida for you company?

While looking for the best ecommerce Development Company in Noida one should keep in mind the following points:

·         Identify your budget an associated outcomes.

·         Look for service provider around you.

·         Look for user reviews and feedback.

·         Identify your needs and expectation from the web development company in Delhi , Noida

·         Get a quote.

·         Finalize the most suitable one


Thursday, December 3, 2020

Are you looking for a website designing company in Delhi to transform your business goal outcome?

website design company noida


If yes, you can relax. Web Bull India is the leading website designing company in Delhi and Noida. The expert team of our website designing company in Noida and Delhi know exactly how to transform your business by designing relevant content that appeals to your views along with many other marketing tools and sources. We ensure to create the best response for your website for your business to dominate the internet.

We implement the latest tools and techniques in the website designing field to create 100% SEO friendly website that is loved by Google and has you at its best rankings. We have created several websites for our customers on many different platforms including Word Press, Magento, Joomla, Core PHP, etc.


Welcome the future of online branding of your company

Having the best website designing company in Noida as your strategic partner is essential step in creating a good future of your company’s online branding.  Having the right design plans means that your business can achieve 3X more client as well as traffic on your website. This is surely a cost-effective approach to boost your brand's success.

We at Web Bull India understand that the future of online branding is in creating meaningful content and implement the best available tools and resources to provide you with the best digital marketing experience for your company.

We have professional experts who make sure that your website showcases all that your company stands for and also present the views with the essence of your company.


What Digital marketing tools are used by Web Bull India?

Web Bull India is among the leading website designing company in Noida and Delhi because our expert understand when and where the best tools for digital marketing should be applied to create the best strategies. We provide you with larger cliental than any other form of web designs and traditional methods. Some of the digital marketing tools used by Web Bull India are:

·         SEO

·         Social media marketing

·         Pay per click

·         Local SEO

·         Website design

·         Digital marketing

·         Ecommerce SEO

·         Content writing and content marketing

·         Website designing company in Noida

·         SEO company India

·         Digital marketing company in Noida






Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Are you in search for the best Pizza restaurants in Windsor?


If yes, your search has come to an end, we at All hungry have some the best Pizza restaurants in Windsor available along with many more options. All the orders are delivered within 35 minutes at your door steps. Since we started all hungry back in 2013, we have strived to offer the best customer services.  

Why order Pizza & food in Windsor from All Hungry?

All hungry has a system that is adequately built to provide you a smooth and easy interface, along with that we also have some of the best restaurants to order Pizza & food in Windsor available. All the orders are available for you to either pickup from the restaurant or even to get at delivered at your doorsteps.


Order pizza and food from your favourite restaurants in Windsor Locks


Visit All Hungry-official website to Order pizza and food from your favourite Restaurants in Windsor Locks. We have collection of some the best Pizza restaurants in Windsor, such as Village pizza and Bradley best Pizza. The min. order for both restaurants is $10.00. We delivery your order, fresh and hot at your doorstep. For when you are enjoying your lazy days. Choose from a wide range of food options available online at All Hungry. We at all hungry provide with the list of some the best food joints available in your area and offer delivery as well as pickup on your order. With our best security practices you can relax as we care for privacy and security and offer you nothing less. We also have 24/7 support services available who are always ready to help you with anything. We have more than 100,000 happy customers since we first began in 2013 and strive to improve and satisfy all our customers. Order now: https://allhungry.com/ct/windsor-locks/restaurants