Thursday, January 21, 2021

Buy Australia’s Revolutionary Cold Press Juicer for Your Kitchen Today!


The Torus Echo is a premium Australian cold-press juicer. It is a revolutionary cold press juicer integrating a unique dual auger system that combines the juicing power of horizontal and vertical cold press juicers. This results in higher yield and up to 60% more celery juice. A unique quality of the Torus Echo juicer is how easy it is to clean, employing a small final tongue filter with little or no fibrous build-up. The quick clean makes it first choice for everyday use. 

What are the benefits of Torus cold press juice? 

The benefits of Torus cold pressed juice include assistance with weight loss, sleep, well-being, detoxification, nutrition, digestion – and more. Here are a few ways juicing can assist in making you slimmer and achieve weight loss goals.


     Cold press juices supercharge your body with nutrients, far more than could be consumed or digested with whole produce.

     Cold press juices replace fattening fast food to assist with weight loss.

     Cold press juice gives your digestion a break by relieves your body from the excess hard work of breaking down fibre, thereby freeing extra energy for detoxification and weight loss.

     Cold press juices are reputed to assist with hormone imbalance, promoting greater equanimity, sound sleep and improved health.

     Cold press juices help stabilise your metabolism, necessary for maintaining healthy weight.

     Cold press juices provide extra energy that in turn assists you in being more active, healthier and slimmer.



Why is the Torus Echo Cold Press Juicer a revolutionary discovery?


Our team at Torus is passionate about the benefits of cold pressed juice for helping achieve good health and maintaining wellbeing. This passion led us to seek and then source and arrange distribution of a juicer that can produce the highest quality juice at a competitive price. The Torus Echo Juicer is designed to revitalize energy levels and health by assisting with the ingestion of nature’s nutrients essential for regulating intellectual, physical and emotional well-being. These nutrients are concentrated into each glass of juice – a bounty of nature to supercharge your body. It is very well understood that gut health is key to the good health of the whole body, directly affecting your body, mind and moods. Traditional psychiatry recognizes chemical ingestion through the gut as a means to regulate psychology. The Torus Echo uses the same principle to provide your gut with all natural nutrients to improve your health and wellbeing.


Are there more reasons to buy a Torus Echo Juicer?


We regard the Torus Echo as one of the best cold press juicers in Australia, with several unique features:

     Torus is an Australian owned and operated company, operating as a kitchen appliance specialist since 2012.

     We provide a 30-day money back guarantee.

     We provide free delivery of the product at your doorstep (WA and NT $20 surcharge)

     We offer a long warranty on our products.

     The Torus website supports a secure, quick, and straightforward payment gateway for credit cards, Paypal or Afterpay.

     Torus have a long history of satisfied customers and have been selling and upgrading cold press juicers since 2015 to meet the ever-changing needs of Australian customers.

     Torus sells online directly to the customer eliminating middleman price hikes.

     Our best advertisement is word of mouth and customer satisfaction.


What are the best features of the Torus Echo Cold Press Juicer?


     Torus is the only Australian distributor of the revolutionary new dual auger Echo design.

     The Torus Echo cold presses juice twice.

     The juicer comes with hard and soft produce attachments to maximise performance depending on the type of juicing you are doing

     The Torus Echo is easy to use and clean because of minimized slider strainers.

     There is no large basket sieve with multiple holes for fibre to get trapped in.

     You can juice celery using whole stalks without need for preparation.

     Cold press juice retains valuable enzymes and vitamins.

     The juicer has a child lock.

     It is easy to assemble and dismantle.

     There are no blades, so no heating or friction to can cause nutrient loss


The Torus Echo Cold Press Juicer is an essential kitchen appliance that will help you meet fitness goals and help make your life healthier. Get the best rates on our juicer as well as free delivery on your orders from us! Sign up for our newsletter to receive a free color slow juicer instruction book with recipes that you can make using the juicer as well as helpful facts and health tips that will help you in your health and fitness journey.

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